Codi obert aplicat als àtoms

Aquest apunt va de passar cromos. En pocs dies m’han enviat dos articles interessants. L’un usa el fenomen del codi obert per a fer un paral·lelisme amb la guerra d’Irak. L’altre subratlla la importància vital dels bits oberts quan arriba un desastre natural.

En Sebastià Pla, de l’equip de traducció del KDE, recomana «When Open Standards Really Matter – The Katrina Factor», de Groklaw:

Isn’t it time, after so much suffering, to recognize that keeping people alive is more important than allowing private companies to lock in customers into proprietary systems that don’t then work in an emergency? And why does the Internet always work, no matter who you are or what operating system you use? Because it was built, not on proprietary standards, but entirely on open standards.


In an emergency, it could cost us our lives not to be able to rely on standards in communications. Similarly, being able to communicate with our governmental agencies, no matter what operating system we use, is essential. It’s like the air we breathe, so essential that you simply can’t plan to be without it.

L’altre l’envia en Mateu Matheu. Al The New York Times, l’article «Open Source War» diu coses com aquesta:

What’s left? It’s possible, as Microsoft has found, that there is no good monopolistic solution to a mature open-source effort. In that case, the United States might be better off adopting I.B.M.’s embrace of open source.

Si no us deixen entrar al diari, aquí hi trobareu un parell de claus –en Xavier Caballé passa un altre cromo al primer comentari. Si ha desaparegut demanau, que l’he imprès.


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